The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS)

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) brings together top Australian researchers in applied mathematics, statistics, mathematical physics and machine learning. ACEMS intends to create world-class research at the frontiers of the mathematical sciences dealing with probability and randomness, and to translate this research into new insights that benefit society.


After a number of previous printed annual reports that were well received by the ARC, ACEMs wanted to challenge the standard format and do something a bit different.

It’s always a challenge to present such a forward thinking and complex centre in an interesting and easy to understand format.


By moving the format from print to online, new possibilities opened up in the way the information could be presented. From animated infographics, pop up stories, interlinked content, and interactivity, this annual report has really pushed the envelope and is a great example of what can be achieved with good design and communication. It also allows the large volume of information to be easily navigated, categorised and linked together.

By adding the element of interactivity and movement that print can’t provide, it was such an interesting challenge to present the achievements and stories of the Centre.